Perfect Bath Time Routine – Reed Family Linen

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Perfect Bath Time Routine

There are few experiences that compare to a relaxing bath after a long, stressful day.

The concept of self-care is pervasive in today’s social media-facing culture. Instead of relaxing one, it can make you feel additional pressure to amp up your morning routine or partake in self care rituals to the point that they clog up your already-packed schedule.

It doesn’t always have to take waking up at 5 am to run before work or creating a hefty list of daily intentions to make a difference to your mental and physical well-being. Self-care can be as simple as learning how to speak kindly to yourself and or taking the time to soak your worries away.

There are few experiences that compare to a relaxing bath after a long, stressful day. In my case, it’s an act of self love and I brew myself a soothing tea to enjoy while I prepare my bath.

My phone goes onto silent for an hour. A scoop of detox bath salts get added to the hot running water. If my skin needs a hydration boost, I’ll add coconut milk, it moisturises and softens my skin, it’s anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and is a wonderful natural alternative to fragranced, chemical laced bath milks.

It’s important to set the scene. My diffuser has chamomile and sandalwood oils to help the calming mood, and a warmed Princess Grace bath sheet and Reed gown await my restored body.

An important element for me is making sure my bathroom is clean and fresh, I love products by Tincture, they are chemical free and leaving an invigorating citrus scent.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand to take a bath in a cluttered bathroom. I like a clear vanity and my diffuser working its magic with chamomile and sandalwood oils. I’ll have my Princess Grace bath sheet ready and warm from the tumble dryer and my Reed union linen gown waiting on the bed for my restored body.

The lights go off, natural soy wax candles are lit and a hydrating ace mask on and nothing short of an emergency will excavate me from my scented tomb.

An important element for me is making sure my bathroom is clean and fresh, I love products by Tincture, they are chemical free and leaving an invigorating citrus scent.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand to take a bath in a cluttered bathroom. I like a clear vanity and my diffuser working its magic with chamomile and sandalwood oils. I’ll have my Princess Grace bath sheet ready and warm from the tumble dryer and my Reed union linen gown waiting on the bed for my restored body.

The lights go off, natural soy wax candles are lit and a hydrating ace mask on and nothing short of an emergency will excavate me from my scented tomb.  

As a seasoned tub veteran, I feel I can bestow much soaking wisdom and a little shopping goes a long way when it comes to having the correct accessories. My number one can’t do without is a bath tray to hold my tea, my body scrub, sometimes even my book depending on how much time I have.

Next up is not the prettiest, you won’t find it on the Goop site, but your local pharmacy should suffice, a bath pillow, I know, shock, horror, how will this work with the overall look, I’m here to tell you that my neck and I don’t care. You simply can’t go the distance without the perfect soft support of a neck pillow. Now amateurs will tell you that a rolled up hand towel will do the job, it won’t, the first time you come up to take a sip of tea or buff your arm, it will slip in and disappear beneath the milky coconut infused water.

My ideal summer bath recipe is one cup of Epsom salts and 5 drops of essential lemon oil, I’ll use rose oil if I am headed for a dinner out or lavender if it’s late and my bed is calling me.

I must confess, if my mood needs a particularly effective boost, bubbles, courtesy of Neal’s Yard Remedies, do the trick, crafted from mostly organic ingredients including arnica and seaweed, they smell divine and are a lot less toxic than many other brands.

Bubble bath can be drying so I’ll counter this with my favourite aforementioned favourite coconut milk.

After soaking for a good 15 minutes or so (I always let more water in as the tub cools), it’s time to pull on bath mitts and give myself a good, vigorous scrub. I tend to use a DIY body scrub made from coconut oil and brown sugar. You won’t believe how soft and supple your skin feels afterward.

Once you have felt your stress melt away, it’s time to gently massage your skin with your Reed Princess Grace towel and pat yourself dry, leaving just a hint of moisture on your skin, so that you can rub in your favourite body oil. I’m currently using By Sarah’s wonderful organic body oil, it’s fragrance free, non greasy and packed full of nourishing plant oils.

Hot water tends to dehydrate your skin, so make sure to use a good paraben free moisturiser after you have dried off and massaged in your body oil, to lock in the moisture and replenish your skin.

Now whether I am facing an early night or a dinner party, I am calm and revived.

Happy Soaking,

Karen Reed

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Ros KeelerRos Keeler
09:49 29 Sep 21
Beautiful linens, superb quality and finish. Excellent customer service from Karen.
Caron DrakeCaron Drake
18:45 13 Feb 21
I was given the most beautiful set of Reeds Linen - what a privilege to own this incredible brand! Sleeping between this linen is just heavenly ✨
Anjali NayarAnjali Nayar
17:12 13 Feb 21